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Ocasio Cortez News

Let's say that at Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and let's not call half the country racist and supremacists.' Get all the stories you need-to-know from the most powerful name in news delivered first. CBS News chief congressional correspondent Nancy Cordes and White House correspondent Ben Tracy discuss a timeline for the impeachment and Mr. Trump's final days in office. Ocasio-Cortez, who. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) hit back at a tweet by Sen. Joe Manchin, a centrist Democrat from West Virginia, with an image of her appearing to glower at him at the State of the Union.In.

© Getty Ocasio-Cortez tweets displeasure of Manchin after he attacks 'crazy socialist agenda'

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) hit back at a tweet by Sen. Joe Manchin, a centrist Democrat from West Virginia, with an image of her appearing to glower at him at the State of the Union.

In the original tweet, Manchin linked to an article about his opposition to ending the Senate filibuster while knocking calls from progressive lawmakers, such as Ocasio-Cortez, to defund police.

'Defund the police? Defund, my butt. I'm a proud West Virginia Democrat. We are the party of working men and women. We want to protect Americans' jobs & healthcare. We do not have some crazy socialist agenda, and we do not believe in defunding the police,' Manchin wrote.

Ocasio-Cortez responded to the tweet on Thursday:

- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) November 12, 2020

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Tensions have flared in the party after House Democrats underperformed expectations this year, with more conservative Democrats accusing progressive members in solidly blue districts like Ocasio-Cortez's of sabotaging their chances in swing districts.

Rep. Abigail Spanberger (D-Va.), who narrowly won reelection last week, spoke out in a call with Democratic House members last week, accusing her more progressive colleagues of enabling Republican attacks that she was anti-law enforcement.

Ocasio-Cortez has fired back at such attacks before, telling The New York Times recently, 'It's your own party thinking you're the enemy. When your own colleagues talk anonymously in the press and then turn around and say you're bad because you actually append your name to your opinion.'

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), another member of 'the Squad' of progressive congresswomen of color, expressed similar sentiments, noting that her constituents were key to President-elect Joe Biden's victory in Michigan.

'We're not going to be successful if we're silencing districts like mine,' Tlaib told Politico this week. 'Me not being able to speak on behalf of many of my neighbors right now, many of which are Black neighbors, means me being silenced. I can't be silent.'

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Bernie Sanders on Wednesday expressed solidarity with roughly 1,400 essential workers at the Hunts Point Terminal Produce Market in the Bronx, several of whom were arrested earlier this week while striking for hazard pay and better healthcare benefits during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.

'Essential workers should not have to go on strike for decent pay, and no worker should be threatened for exercising their constitutional rights,' said Sanders, a democratic socialist from Vermont.

Sanders added that he supports the union-led effort, which seeks to raise wages by $1 per hour and secure improved benefits for those who work at the largest produce market in the world and have sacrificed to continue providing most of the fruits and vegetables consumed in the New York City region.

Essential workers should not have to go on strike for decent pay, and no worker should be threatened for exercising their constitutional rights.

I strongly support Hunts Point Market @Teamsters strikers in their struggle for justice.

— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) January 20, 2021

Ocasio-Cortez, a Democrat who represents a congressional district that includes parts of the Bronx as well as Queens, also endorsed the strike.

She shared information about how to contribute moral or financial support to Teamsters Joint Council 16, which represents 120,000 employees in 27 locals, including the striking workers who are members of Local 202.

See you there! #HuntsPointStrike

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— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) January 20, 2021

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On strike since Saturday, six workers on the union's peaceful picket line were arrested between Monday night and Tuesday morning for blocking traffic.

'If you live in New York and had produce during the pandemic, odds are that's because of these workers,' journalist Alex Press tweeted on Tuesday night. After having risked their health to feed millions of people throughout the pandemic, Press noted, 'they deserve the city's solidarity, and it's a disgrace that any of them were arrested.'

if you live in New York and had produce during the pandemic, odds are that’s because of these workers—the majority of NYC’s produce passes through Hunts Point. they deserve the city’s solidarity, and it’s a disgrace that any of them were arrested

— Alex Press (@alexnpress) January 19, 2021

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Daniel Kane Jr., president of Teamsters Local 202, also condemned the arrests. 'It is outrageous that after being called essential heroes for months, several of our members were arrested while peacefully protesting for a raise today,' Kane said Tuesday in a statement.

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'These are the essential workers who went to work every day through the worst of the pandemic to feed New York,' he continued. 'All they are asking for is a dollar-an-hour raise so they can feed their families, too. The fact that they were arrested on Martin Luther King Day reminds us what side of history we are on.'

'They can use riot cops to get trucks into the market, but the workers they need to unload the trucks are still on the picket line,' the union leader added. 'We will stay on strike until these employers pay their workers the essential wage they deserve.'

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In a video recorded earlier this week by a local CBS News channel, Kane said that 'it's not good enough just to clap for them, and say they're essential. When they ask for a decent raise, a fair number, they should be told, 'Yes you can have that, and thank you.'

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