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Plots Visit

Misc Plots Commercial & Residential Plots New Chandigarh New Chandigarh LPA is found within the northeast of GMADA region, south of the Shivalik vary. It’s finite by Chandigarh and Mohali, acting because of the northern entryway to the larger Mohali space. A plot is a viewable object, created from a database, that can be displayed in a visualization window. VisIt provides several standard plot types that allow you to visualize data in different ways.

  1. Visit Summary
  2. Plots.visit.other

A plot is a viewable object, created from a database, that can be displayedin a visualization window. VisIt provides several standard plot types thatallow you to visualize data in different ways. The standard plots performbasic visualization operations like contouring, pseudocoloring as well asmore sophisticated operations like volume rendering. All of VisIt’s plotsare plugins so you can add new plot types by writing your own plot plugins.See the wiki at for moredetails on creating new plot plugins or send an e-mail inquiry

3.1.1. Managing Plots¶

To visualize your data, you will iteratively create and modify many plotsuntil you achieve the end result. Since plots may be created and deletedmany times, VisIt provides controls in its Main Window to handle thesefunctions. The Plots area, shown in Figure 3.1,contains the controls for managing plots.

The most prominent feature of the Plots area, the plot list contains alist of the plots that are in the active visualization window. The entriesin the plot list contain the plot name and variable. Plot list entries changecolors depending on the state of the plot. When plots are initially created,their plot list entries are green indicating that they are new and have notbeen submitted to the compute engine for processing. When a plot is beingcreated on the compute engine, its plot list entry is yellow. When a plothas finished generating on the compute engine, its plot list entry turnsblack to indicate that the plot is done. If the compute engine cannotgenerate a plot, the plot’s plot list entry turns red to indicate an errorwith the plot.

The plot list displays more then just the names of the visualizationwindow’s plots. The plot list also allows you to set the active plots, thatis, those plots that can be modified. Highlighted plot entries are active.

The Add menu, an important part of the Plots area, contains theoptions that create new plots. Creating a plot¶

To use any of VisIt’s capabilities, you must know how to create a plot. First,make sure you have opened a database. Once you have an open database, usethe Add menu to create a plot.

Selecting the Add menu pops up a list of VisIt plot types. Plots for whichthe open database has no data are disabled. If a plot type is enabled, pullingthe mouse toward the right while holding down the left button shows whichvariables can be plotted. Release the mouse button when the mouse cursor isover the variable that you want to plot, and a new plot list entry will appearin the plot list. The new plot list entry will be colored green in the plotlist until VisIt is told to draw when you click the Draw button. TheAdd menu is disabled until a database is open.

Visit Summary Deleting a plot¶

VisIt deletes all the selected plots when you click the Delete button.If the plot list has keyboard focus, you can also delete a plot using theDelete key. Selecting a plot¶


Since VisIt will only let you modify active plots, you must be able to selectplots. To select a plot, click on its entry in the plot list. Multiple plotscan be selected by holding down the Ctrl key and clicking plot entriesone at a time. Alternatively, groups of plot entries can be selected byclicking on a plot entry and then clicking another plot entry while holdingdown the Shift key. Drawing a plot¶

When you add a plot to the plot list, it won’t be drawn until you click theDraw button. Once you do, the new plot’s plot list entry switches fromgreen to yellow in the plot list to indicate that its results are pendingand the compute engine starts generating the plot. Clicking the Drawbutton causes all new plots to be drawn. Hiding a plot¶

Plots Visit

When you are visualizing your data, you will often have many different plotsin the same visualization window. Sometimes you might want to temporarilyhide plots from view to more easily view the other plots in the window. Tohide the selected plots, click the Hide/Show button in the Plotsarea. When a plot is hidden, its plot list entry is gray and contains theword hidden to indicate that the plot is hidden. To show a hidden plot,select the hidden plot and click the Hide/Show button again. Note thatplots must exist for the Hide/Show button to be enabled. Setting plot attributes¶

Each plot type has its own plot attributes window used to set attributesfor that plot type. Plot attributes windows are activated by double-clickinga plot entry in the plot list. You can also open a plot attribute windowby selecting a plot type from the PlotAtts (Plot Attributes) menu shownin Figure 3.3, Changing plot variables¶

When examining a plot, you might want to look at another variable. Forexample, you might want to switch from looking at density to pressure.VisIt allows the plot variable to be changed without having to deleteand recreate the plot. To change the plot variable, first make sure theplot is active, then select a new variable from the available variablenames in the Variables menu. The Variables menu contains only thevariables from the database that are compatible with the plot.