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Plots With A View Cast

A storm strikes a ship carryingAlonso, Ferdinand, Sebastian, Antonio, Gonzalo, Stephano, and Trinculo, whoare on their way to Italy after coming from the wedding of Alonso’sdaughter, Claribel, to the prince of Tunis in Africa. The royalparty and the other mariners, with the exception of the unflappableBoatswain, begin to fear for their lives. Lightning cracks, andthe mariners cry that the ship has been hit. Everyone prepares tosink.

The next scene begins much more quietly. Miranda and Prospero standon the shore of their island, looking out to sea at the recent shipwreck.Miranda asks her father to do anything he can to help the poor soulsin the ship. Prospero assures her that everything is all right andthen informs her that it is time she learned more about herselfand her past. He reveals to her that he orchestrated the shipwreckand tells her the lengthy story of her past, a story he has often startedto tell her before but never finished. The story goes that Prosperowas the Duke of Milan until his brother Antonio, conspiring withAlonso, the King of Naples, usurped his position. Kidnapped and left to dieon a raft at sea, Prospero and his daughter survive because Gonzalo leavesthem supplies and Prospero’s books, which are the source of his magic andpower. Prospero and hisdaughter arrived on the island where they remain now and have beenfor twelve years. Only now, Prospero says, has Fortune at last senthis enemies his way, and he has raised the tempest in order to makethings right with them once and for all.

Plots With A View Cast Members

'iCarly' is the latest '00s show to get a reboot, with the original cast members returning for a new set of adventures on a new streaming service.

Season 5, Episode 3 A Plot with a View. First Aired: September 29, 2003. The View has been a staple among morning talk shows since it premiered in 1997. The 2003 Daytime Emmy Award Winning show features four or five female co-hosts, who have changed over the show's history, that interview guests and discuss current events. The View actively encourages audience participation and feedback from their viewer base. Alfieri, an Italian-American lawyer in his fifties, enters the stage and sits in his office. Talking from his desk to the audience, he introduces the story of Eddie Carbone. Alfieri compares himself to a lawyer in Caesar's time, powerless to watch as the events of history run their bloody course.

After telling this story, Prospero charms Miranda to sleepand then calls forth his familiar spirit Ariel, his chief magicalagent. Prospero and Ariel’s discussion reveals that Ariel broughtthe tempest upon the ship and set fire to the mast. Hethen made sure that everyone got safely to the island, though theyare now separated from each other into small groups. Ariel, whois a captive servant to Prospero, reminds his master that he haspromised Ariel freedom a year early if he performs tasks such asthese without complaint. Prospero chastises Ariel for protestingand reminds him of the horrible fate from which he was rescued.Before Prospero came to the island, a witch named Sycorax imprisonedAriel in a tree. Sycorax died, leaving Ariel trapped until Prosperoarrived and freed him. After Ariel assures Prospero that he knowshis place, Prospero orders Ariel to take the shape of a sea nymphand make himself invisible to all but Prospero.

Plots with a view cast

Miranda awakens from her sleep, and she andProspero go to visit Caliban, Prospero’s servant and the son ofthe dead Sycorax. Caliban curses Prospero, and Prospero and Mirandaberate him for being ungrateful for what they have given and taughthim. Prospero sends Caliban to fetch firewood. Ariel, invisible,enters playing music and leading in the awed Ferdinand. Mirandaand Ferdinand are immediately smitten with each other. He is the onlyman Miranda has ever seen, besides Caliban and her father. Prosperois happy to see that his plan for his daughter’s future marriageis working, but decides that he must upset things temporarily inorder to prevent their relationship from developing too quickly.He accuses Ferdinand of merely pretending to be the Prince of Naplesand threatens him with imprisonment. When Ferdinand draws his sword,Prospero charms him and leads him off to prison, ignoring Miranda’scries for mercy. He then sends Ariel on another mysterious mission.

On another part of the island, Alonso, Sebastian, Antonio, Gonzalo,and other miscellaneous lords give thanks for their safety but worryabout the fate of Ferdinand. Alonso says that he wishes he neverhad married his daughter to the prince of Tunis because if he hadnot made this journey, his son would still be alive. Gonzalo tries tomaintain high spirits by discussing the beauty of the island, but hisremarks are undercut by the sarcastic sourness of Antonio and Sebastian.Ariel appears, invisible, and plays music that puts all but Sebastianand Antonio to sleep. These two then begin to discuss the possibleadvantages of killing their sleeping companions. Antonio persuadesSebastian that the latter will become ruler of Naples if they killAlonso. Claribel, who would be the next heir if Ferdinand were indeeddead, is too far away to be able to claim her right. Sebastianis convinced, and the two are about to stab the sleeping men whenAriel causes Gonzalo to wake with a shout. Everyone wakes up, andAntonio and Sebastian concoct a ridiculous story about having drawntheir swords to protect the king from lions. Ariel goes back toProspero while Alonso and his party continue to search for Ferdinand.

Caliban, meanwhile, is hauling wood for Prospero whenhe sees Trinculo and thinks he is a spirit sent by Prospero to tormenthim. He lies down and hides under his cloak. A storm is brewing,and Trinculo, curious about but undeterred by Caliban’s strange appearanceand smell, crawls under the cloak with him. Stephano, drunk and singing,comes along and stumbles upon the bizarre spectacle of Caliban andTrinculo huddled under the cloak. Caliban, hearing the singing,cries out that he will work faster so long as the “spirits” leavehim alone. Stephano decides that this monster requires liquor andattempts to get Caliban to drink. Trinculo recognizes his friendStephano and calls out to him. Soon the three are sitting up togetherand drinking. Caliban quickly becomes an enthusiastic drinker, andbegins to sing.

Prospero puts Ferdinand to work hauling wood. Ferdinandfinds his labor pleasant because it is for Miranda’s sake. Miranda,thinking that her father is asleep, tells Ferdinand to take a break.The two flirt with one another. Miranda proposes marriage, and Ferdinand accepts.Prospero has been on stage most of the time, unseen, and he is pleasedwith this development.

Stephano, Trinculo, and Caliban are now drunk and raucousand are made all the more so by Ariel, who comes to them invisiblyand provokes them to fight with one another by impersonating their voicesand taunting them. Caliban grows more and more fervent in his boaststhat he knows how to kill Prospero. He even tells Stephano that hecan bring him to where Prospero is sleeping. He proposes that theykill Prospero, take his daughter, and set Stephano up as king ofthe island. Stephano thinks this a good plan, and the three prepare toset off to find Prospero. They are distracted, however, by the soundof music that Ariel plays on his flute and tabor-drum, and theydecide to follow this music before executing their plot.

Alonso, Gonzalo, Sebastian, and Antonio grow weary fromtraveling and pause to rest. Antonio and Sebastian secretly plotto take advantage of Alonso and Gonzalo’s exhaustion, deciding tokill them in the evening. Prospero, probably on the balcony of thestage and invisible to the men, causes a banquet to be set out bystrangely shaped spirits. As the men prepare to eat, Ariel appearslike a harpy and causes the banquet to vanish. He then accuses themen of supplanting Prospero and says that it was for this sin thatAlonso’s son, Ferdinand, has been taken. He vanishes, leaving Alonsofeeling vexed and guilty.

Prospero now softens toward Ferdinand and welcomes himinto his family as the soon-to-be-husband of Miranda. He sternly remindsFerdinand, however, that Miranda’s “virgin-knot” (IV.i.15)is not to be broken until the wedding has been officially solemnized.Prospero then asks Ariel to call forth some spirits to perform amasque for Ferdinand and Miranda. The spirits assume the shapesof Ceres, Juno, and Iris and perform a short masque celebratingthe rites of marriage and the bounty of the earth. A dance of reapersand nymphs follows but is interrupted when Prospero suddenly remembersthat he still must stop the plot against his life.

He sends the spirits away and asks Ariel about Trinculo,Stephano, and Caliban. Ariel tells his master of the three men’sdrunken plans. He also tells how he led the men with his music throughprickly grass and briars and finally into a filthy pond near Prospero’scell. Ariel and Prospero then set a trap by hanging beautiful clothingin Prospero’s cell. Stephano, Trinculo, and Caliban enter lookingfor Prospero and, finding the beautiful clothing, decide to stealit. They are immediately set upon by a pack of spirits in the shapeof dogs and hounds, driven on by Prospero and Ariel.

Prospero uses Ariel to bring Alonso and the others beforehim. He then sends Ariel to bring the Boatswain and the marinersfrom where they sleep on the wrecked ship. Prospero confronts Alonso, Antonio,and Sebastian with their treachery, but tells them that he forgivesthem. Alonso tells him of having lost Ferdinand in the tempest andProspero says that he recently lost his own daughter. Clarifyinghis meaning, he draws aside a curtain to reveal Ferdinand and Mirandaplaying chess. Alonso and his companions are amazed by the miracleof Ferdinand’s survival, and Miranda is stunned by the sight ofpeople unlike any she has seen before. Ferdinand tells his fatherabout his marriage.

Ariel returns with the Boatswain and mariners. The Boatswain tellsa story of having been awakened from a sleep that had apparentlylasted since the tempest. At Prospero’s bidding, Ariel releases Caliban,Trinculo and Stephano, who then enter wearing their stolen clothing.Prospero and Alonso command them to return it and to clean up Prospero’scell. Prospero invites Alonso and the others to stay for the nightso that he can tell them the tale of his life in the past twelveyears. After this, the group plans to return to Italy. Prospero, restoredto his dukedom, will retire to Milan. Prospero gives Ariel one finaltask—to make sure the seas are calm for the return voyage—beforesetting him free. Finally, Prospero delivers an epilogue to the audience,asking them to forgive him for his wrongdoing and set him free byapplauding.

About CAST

CAST is a multifaceted organization with a singular ambition: Bust the barriers to learning that millions of people experience every day. We do this by helping educators and organizations apply insights from the learning sciences and leading-edge practices to educational design and implementation.

Two Events, One Price

For the first time ever, bundle your UDL-IRN Summit (April 13–14, 2021) & CAST UDL Symposium (July 28–30, 2021) tickets at a reduced price! Join us at the two largest UDL-focused events of the year.

News from CAST

CAST Announces Leadership Transition for Later in 2021

Linda Gerstle, CAST's CEO, will retire on September 30, 2021. The planned transition will be coordinated over an eight month period.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Holiday Greetings from CAST—and Goodbye 2020!

Plots With A View Cast As 2020 comes to a close, CAST's CEO, Linda Gerstle, looks back on the challenges and opportunities from an extraordinary year.

Friday, December 18, 2020

CAST, University of Kansas to Build Scalable UDL Coaching Model

Plots With A View Cast CAST & KU have won a 4-year, $1.6 million grant from the US Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs to develop a sustainable coaching model that supports systemic implementation of UDL.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Upcoming Learning Events

UDL101: Introduction to Universal Design for Learning

Plots with a view cast iron

Plots With A View Cast Iron

Plots This online course is designed for anyone interested in the theory and practice of Universal Design for Learning (UDL).

Monday, February 1 – Monday, April 26, 2021

#UDLHE Digicon 2021: Guiding this Moment in Higher Education

This digital conference will focus on UDL in Higher Education contexts to share research, promising practices, and will serve as an opportunity to network and collaborate with others around the globe.

Thursday, February 4 – Friday, February 5, 2021

DUA 101: un marco para abordar la variabilidad del alumno: teoría en la práctica

Este curso consiste en un conjunto de quince módulos introductorios que brindan una introducción al Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje (DUA).

Thursday, March 4 – Sunday, August 15, 2021